Thursday, October 17, 2013

Healthier Halloween Snacking!

Halloween is a time for dressing up and having fun, and a lot of the having fun part is eating candy J But it’s important to remember that no matter what time of year, it’s important to check how much we’re eating.

Healthy habits are also important to pass down to the younger generation.  Children should be allowed to enjoy themselves, but should also learn to enjoy healthy snacks as much as they do candy bars. Here are a few health(ier) Halloween holiday recipes that you can make and enjoy with your children, your nieces and nephews, or your little cousins!

Candy Apples:

Have fun decorating these apples with chocolate and sprinkles! It’s a fun activity and apples are a much healthier option than candy bars (even if you add a little chocolate J)

Recipe here ->

Peanut Butter Cups:

It’s as good as the real thing, and it’s a little better for you! Instead of peanut butter, it is filled with almond butter and ground chia seeds that slows digestion and gives you a burst of energy!

Recipe here->

Fruit Snacks:

Corn syrup makes fruit snacks sugary and a not so great treat for kids. This version made with fruit, grass-fed gelatin, and honey is much better for you and you can make different shapes with molds or ice cub trays!

Recipe here ->

Peanut Butter M&Ms:

This homemade recipe for peanut butter M&Ms doesn’t make it healthy, but takes away some of the guilt that comes with eating the store bought brand. Instead of preservatives, sugar, and peanut butter, the recipe incorporates oats, dates, peanut butter, almonds, and peanuts into the filling.

Recipe here ->

Remember that by no means are these snacks healthy! They are simply healthier options. But making them with your children and explaining each ingredient will teach the little ones about making healthier choices when they are craving something sweet J Building good habits at a young age is so important and makes life easier for you later on!


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