Monday, September 23, 2013

A Few Rules for Healthy Eating

Fall is here, and the season of eating is coming our way. There are so many foods that aren't very good for you, and it's also hard to resist over eating. 
Tips for Eating Healthy and Eating Less:

  1. Have you read the label? Does it even have a label? It is actually best to purchase foods WITHOUT labels. Think about it. Apples and oranges don’t have labels on them, and never ave to because they are one ingredient. If what you are purchasing does have a label, try for one that has less than 5 ingredients. Also try reading every ingredient on the label with perfect pronunciation. Can’t do it? Don’t get it!

  2. Try to eat with others whenever possible. Eating with others has a ton of benefits, including social and emotional. Talking with others during a meal will slow down eating, and will give time for you to feel full before you overeat. Also, eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.

  3. Stick to coconut oil and olive oil for cooking. Highly processed oils, like corn and soy based oils are toxic to your body. Also, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is anti-viral, anti-microbial and antibacterial. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It has been shownthat the breaking down of these types of fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy.

  4. Avoid eating at night. Try to only eat during the most active hours of your day. Eat dinner early and try not to eat after. After-dinner snacks (desserts) also tend to be high in fat and calories so are best avoided.

  5. HYDRATE! Drink ample amounts of water daily. Very often, we mistake thirst for hunger and will eat something when drinking a glass of water would have sufficed.

If you adopt some of these simple rules, you will be eating healthy and feeling more energized in no time!

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