Friday, June 14, 2013

Steps to Staying Motivated and Exercising After Surgery

Light exercise after surgery is as important as your nutrition plan. Exercise aids in the healing process and weight loss management in post surgery patients. Many people can be intimidated by the thought of starting an exercise routine after surgery because of the difficulty experienced before surgery.

Working physical activity into your daily routine post surgery is easier than you may think. Below are 10 easy steps that will help ease you into a physical routine and help drop extra pounds.

  • Start small and slow: The best way to ensure success is to set realistic goals and take a moderate approach. You will become overwhelmed, discouraged and possibly injure yourself if you try too much too fast. Celebrate when you achieve a goal and make a new one for yourself.
  • Focus on cardiovascular: Raise your heart rate. Focus on moving your body and working up a sweat. After this, you can focus on weights and shaping your body.
  • Do something you enjoy: Pick an activity that is enjoyable because you are more likely to stick to a routine you enjoy. Change up your routine as well to prevent boredom.
  • Divide up your workout: Your goal should be 30 minutes a day, but you can divide up your time. Try two 15 minute walks or dance for 10 minutes three times a day!
  • Expect ups and down: Don’t beat yourself up! Everyone has ups and downs. Weight loss is different for everyone.
  • Plan it: Use a calendar and plan your workouts. Write them down and mark each day off when you finish. It will keep you on track!
  • Commit to someone: Workout with a friend and keep each other accountable. You are more likely to exercise if someone else is being your cheerleader!
  • Drink water: Hydration is an important part of weight loss and exercise
  • Stretch: Stretching helps warm up muscles and helps prevent injury. It also improves flexibility! Stretch before and after exercise.
  • Look for little signs of improvement: Don’t worry about the pounds loss. Measure success by the amount you sweat or your heart rate.

So keep these little bullet points in mind. The most important thing is to stay active and moving. Your recovery depends on it!


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