Friday, April 5, 2013

Peanut Butter for all Ages!

Peanut butter is one of those foods that are packed with memories. We had packed lunches with PB&J sandwiches (crusts optional), and sometimes we'd get to eat it straight out of the jar. Now, as adults, we know the health benefits of peanut butter. 

Though peanut butter is 180 to 210 calories per serving, it can be really helpful in losing weight. The combination of fiber and protein in peanut butter will fill you up and leaving you feeling full longer.  
Peanut butter is also filled with a bunch of nutrients, including: 
- Vitamin E, 
- Magnesium: good for the bones
- Potassium: good for muscles
- Vitamin B6: boosts immune system

Here are some tips and recipes you can:

1. Stir a tablespoon of peanut butter into oatmeal for a flavor and protein boost.
2. Mix the protein powder and instead add peanut butter into your smoothie to add protein and other vitamins and minerals.
3. Swap out butter and syrup on your whole grain waffles or pancakes for peanut butter with just a tiny drizzle of honey for a breakfast with healthier fats and less sugar.
4. Top your toast with peanut butter and any type of fresh fruit. Banana slices are always a favorite, but if you've seen my breakfast posts, you know that I often top my peanut butter toast with fresh berries.
5. Spread peanut butter evenly over a whole banana length-wise and then roll in your favorite granola or whole grain cereal. Serve with a nonfat latte or glass of skim milk.
6. Stir a tablespoon of peanut butter into your favorite low-fat yogurt. Then use as a dip for apple slices and graham crackers.

Oh and don't think we forgot about all of you guys that are allergic to peanuts. There are many other tasty alternatives to peanut butter that can be found at supermarkets, such as almond butter, cashew nut butter, soy nut butter, and many more! Look at their labels for nutritional value and try different ones to see which one you like best.


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