Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eating in Season is in!

Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, we can eat summer oranges in the winter and chocolate covered strawberries in February. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.
People today are experiencing an increasing number of food intolerances and allergies, higher levels of obesity, modern chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes and much more caused by modern day food practices.
According to natural health experts, eating seasonally has a variety of benefits and is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.
The nutritional value of eating food that is in season and out of season differs greatly. Researchers in Japan found that spinach harvested in the summer had three times more Vitamin C than those harvested in winter.
Eating seasonally is also easier on the wallet. Food products are less expensive when in season because they are in abundance and do not require as much processing. And they’ll taste better too!
Below is a list of foods and which season they are best in.

So eat seasonally! Teach your kids about foods and the seasons. Look forward to plum or peach season, and the wait will make them that much sweeter.

Read these articles for more information:

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