Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Easy Post Lap Band Surgery Exercising Tips

Exercise is an important part of success after surgery. Exercise actually begins on the day of bariatric surgery – the patient must be out of bed and walking. The goal is to walk further every day after that, including the first few weeks at home. You may be encouraged to begin exercising, limited only by discomfort, after surgery. The type of exercise depends on your overall condition. 

Though it may be intimidating to start exercising if it wasn't a part of your lifestyle before, don't worry and start easy on yourself. Especially after bariatric surgery, you should skip abdominal exercises as well as heavy lifting for the first six to eight weeks as part of your recovery. 

Here's some tips to ease you in:

1. Do something you already enjoy. 

Do you like walking your dog? Dancing? Roller-blading? Exercising doesn't have to be a chore. Pick something that you already like to do and make it a part of your routine.

2. Find a buddy.

Activities are always funner with friends, and having each other as motivators is great as well. Share your goals and support each other to stay in track.

3. Focus on your heart.

For starters, raising your heart rate is important to lead you up into other exercises. Make cardiovascular exercises your stepping stone. So try some light running, bicycling, swimming, jump roping, and power walking in your day.

4. Slow, steady, and stretch.

Don't rush it and ALWAYS remember to stretch no matter what exercise or activity you are starting. This helps get the blood flow going to warm you up, and most importantly, to prevent injury.

5. Hydrate.

Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated is going to be key. Bring a water bottle with you during work outs and reward yourself AFTER work outs too with a hydrating drink or smoothie. 


All and all, have fun! Nothing is more encouraging than to have fun with your exercising. Don't over think it, start small, and enjoy feeling your heart beat healthier. 

Any questions? Stories to share? Comments or suggestions? Let us know!


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